Change doesn't happen overnight. In any larger organisation, there are a million and one different hurdles you are required to overcome before your proposed change can be rolled out. Inevitably, that first hurdle will be the construction and presentation of a case for change.
This might seem...
How are you ensuring the right IT projects in your organisation are being funded? Who has the power to give these projects the go-ahead or stop an ineffective project in its tracks?
Governance is a key part of any organisational strategy. Particularly in larger organisations, this is controlled...
Paradoxically customers are finding themselves in a situation where they may not be getting any extra budget than previous years but with increased expectations in quality and higher security risks, whilst still responding to external pressures that are out of the control of the hands of IT or even...
These days, you can find an application to manage most business tasks and processes. From help desk applications to CRM to mobile payment apps and inventory management, this huge array of applications has seen many organisations stray from their goal of trying to have integrated or singular master...
Every organisation is complex. Everyone acknowledges that when you have operations dealing with multiple clients, systems and having to adhere to regulation and legislation, there's always added complexity.
For example, whilst every housing association has the aspiration to have a singular master...
One of the biggest challenges within the public sector at the moment is uncertainty on budgets. Balancing a decreasing OpEx budget and the uncertainty of future CapEx is only getting more challenging.
But what if there was a way of creatively leveraging your OpEx budget and planning strategically...
How often do you really drill down into the depths of your data to find the root cause of a recurring problem?
The common challenge that every customer we've ever worked with is capacity.
As the directors of CoStratify with our combined 50 years plus experience, we have learnt that every organisation wants more output from their teams, better outcomes for their customers and greater capability to find new...
Since then, there has been little to no improvement in that statistic, with many organisations still struggling to get their digital...